Epic December Team Meeting

Our December team meeting was EPIC!  We had Christmas dinner, played Stinky Santa, brought shoe box swaps, and still had time for prizes and recognition!

We celebrated Virginia's promotion to Bronze Elite (WTG, VA!), Cindy had top sales for November, and Patience had FIVE events so far in December!  Kay had lots of gifts for us and prizes from the Occasions catalog!

Kathy brought Kay's favorite dessert...sugar cookies from Community Bakery and Stacey brought mint chocolate brownies!  Look at Kay's amazing hot chocolate bar!  Check out those peppermint spoons in the back.

Lanier, Amy, Sassy, and Virginia got to sit at the Adult's table

Patience, Cindy, Stacey, Elizabeth, Lazendra, and Catrina sat at the kid's table
Stinky Santa was fun!  Everyone ended up with something they loved (I got cheese straws made by Sassy!)

OOOH!  Did you see Virginia steal the painting from Stacey??

Look how pretty these are!

Wonder Woman and Sparky ready to stamp
Sparky was in a sassy mood on Saturday and took this cute selfie of us.  She also took some less flattering ones of me that I'm NOT using!
Kay got cold (of course)
Kay turned on the air conditioner because she was hot...then she put on a sweatshirt because she was cold.  LOL

And last but not least, here are our creative challenges.  I won the popular vote...thanks guys!  I worked all day on these...coloring a 12X12 sheet of paper takes a long time!

What a fun meeting this was!  EPIC it was indeed.

Joyful Stamping,


  1. It was a total blast and I was so impressed by your creative challenge, Virginias promo and the winter sangria was a total hit. And you werent 100% so I appreciate it 😘


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