The Curvy Keepsake Box on a Sugar High!

I have been busy...inspired by Pinterest and then I just sort of lost control!

And yes, you can make almost anything with the Curvy Keepsake Box Thinlit.

I saw a Swarovski Crystal keepsake of Cinderella's Carriage.  I immediately thought, "that looks so much like the curvy keepsake box, I wonder if I could make it?"

Well a few days, a lot of Bermuda bay glimmer paper and acrylic window sheets, and a little imagination later, I think I've done a pretty good job re-envisioning it.

I had a magnetic closing book-shaped box that I got at Tuesday Morning on my craft table, so I went for a storybook feel with it.

Tell me what you think!

Once Upon A Time
Cinderella's Glass Slipper
With a Tiny Butterfly
So Many Butterflies!
And there might just be a surprise inside!

Don't let the butterflies out!

Have Courage and Be Kind,


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